Who you should vote for!
Just to spell it out, my understanding of the upcoming election is better and less biased than yours and if you don’t agree you’re either uninformed, illogical, biased or plain stupid. Smart and well informed people agree with me, it’s only the stupid ones who don’t. I have some nice friends who have a differing view than mine but they just haven’t heard or read what I have or come to realize what I have yet, but they will soon enough.
Hopefully before the election. (Naive Realism, Overconfidence)
It’s sad to see others being incapable of seeing things as they really are and react in a normal way. They fail to see what a pathological liar their candidate is and how whatever my candidate does is blown completely out of proportion. They clearly see only what they want to see. It’s like they’ve already made up their minds and consciously look for information that confirms what they’re already convinced of. Whether its supportive evidence for their own candidate or trash talk of mine. (Blind spot bias, Confirmation bias)
It sure has been an ugly campaign in many ways and the other candidate has really outdone itself by lying taking cheap shots and escalate honest mistakes into outrageous “whatever-gates”. If they only could take a step back and look at the situation objectively, like I and all the smart, well informed people do. The choice would be so much clearer. They would be able to see what’s actually going on. (False polarization)
What really gets to me though is how totally indoctrinated and crazy the other side is. It’s like their candidate could do anything and they’re still ok with it. This election has really polarized America. How can the others be so extreme in their views? Fist fights at rallies? Really? It’s obvious who started it. Can’t they all just calm down a notch or two and be reasonable like normal people, like me? The supporters of that other candidate are so stupid. I saw this one clip, kind of funny and a bit unfair, I know, but still. This clip showed a fake journalist asking a few, very easy questions to random supporters and the answers were so stupid! Just comes to show what we’re dealing with. (Availability Heuristic)
The media isn’t helping either. All those journalists are clearly biased, always bringing up the worst in my client and completely ignoring the criminal behavior of the other one. The media obviously holds a different ideological view than my candidate, to say the least. They should just confess straight out whose payroll they’re on. Thank goodness for bloggers and independent journalists that report the unbiased, honest truth. (Hostile media effect)
Any way, it doesn’t really matter what all the fooled, misinformed and stupid people think. My candidate is going to win. Every unbiased and reliable poll says so and it’s so obvious. Afterwards we’re all going see who won, stand there and say “of course! That’s what I’ve said all along”.(Hindsight bias)
(Btw, not sure if I need to spell it out, but this post has nothing to do with the election itself but rather illustrates the psychology behind the choice US citizens are about to make. Good luck!)
Let me know if you find any other biases in the text or any rhetoric that I’ve missed
Nov 5, 2016
- Posted by Anders Stenkrona
- On January 11, 2017