Stenkrona Investments enables banks and financial institutions to adapt automated financial services to human behavior.
Financial Wellbing is about feeling good about your finances
In part well-being comes from spending less than you earn, so you can build a fortune
But your well-being also depends on how you spend your money.
Order “Insider Secrets to Financial Well-being” in English or in Swedish
and find out:
- How to build a fortune
- Where to find the money to build your fortune
- Whats stopping you
- how to buy happiness
This is how we activate our clients’ customers.
Our advanced solutions enable Financial Institutions to match automated financial advice to Human Behavior.
Stenkrona Investments bespoke solutions rely on a 5-step process addressing the basic elements in our Customer Activation System. Each component presents unique challenges in adapting your service to human behavioural patterns.

We activate the client’s Attention

We activate the client’s Trust

We activate the client’s Purpose

We activate the client Relationship

We activate the client’s Community
The problems we solve.
A maturing financial industry leads to decreasing margins in financial services.
Increased regulations demand more detailed client documentation. These two irreversible trends, lower profitability combined with increased regulatory demands are forcing banks and financial institutions to rethink their business models. Banks are also realizing that a majority of their clients are underserved and less active. Therein lies a huge untapped potential.
Over the past few years, there has been a surge in the use of automated financial advisors.
Automated advisors are, on an increasing scale, giving attention to the under-serviced customers of banks and financial institutions in a cost efficient way while all client activity is automatically documented.
The challenge is to tailor and adapt automated services with human behavior.
How do you reach a mass market that doesn’t seem to care? How does a machine create trust? What if an automated process is developed but clients don’t take action? How do you create a meaningful relationship with your clients so they will want to share their results with their community?
Stenkrona Investments is specialized in the psychology of financial decision making.
When automated financial advisory is adapted to decision making patterns of human beings, banks and financial institutions are better able to serve their most valuable asset, their clients.

Anders Stenkrona, founder and CEO of Stenkrona Investments shares his considerable academic background and proven track record in the Financial Sector to assist numerous banks make the transition from traditional banking models to the new Banking Paradigm that is taking the industry by storm.
A PhD with a rich academic and professional track record, Anders applies his deep and broad knowledge of financial decision-making and risk management to actively implement groundbreaking Fin-Tech solutions in financial institutions.
Anders is Stenkrona Investments’ Founder and Managing Director; he has served as Chairman, Board member and Advisor to several financial institutions and companies. His expertise in financial technologies and ongoing activities within Fintech enables him to evolve at the forefront of this fast-developing industry. Currently Anders is focusing his energy on helping Nordea’s customers to become the most financially healthy in the Nordics.
“Cognitive biases are hard wired into our system and if we manage to gain control of one of them, there will be other biases in line ready to skew our judgment and cause us to make stupid choices.”
(from “no matter how awesome you are, you are still going to make stupid choices”)
Investment Decisions and Risk Preferences among Non-Professional Investors
Underpinning Anders’ ability to advise his clients and provide them with the tools to navigate the challenges of the New Banking Paradigm is his deep knowledge of Investor Decision Making patterns.
This know-how is backed by his rich academic background which includes a thesis risk preferences among regular rank and file investors.
Download Anders’ thesis
Academic Life and Awards

Thank you Anders for a truly inspiring session! (Sören Simonsen, Nordea)
Awesome and inspiring, as always! (Martin Malm, CEO Transcendent Group)
This was so good, so simple yet so difficult (Peter Rosenqvist, CRO Avanza)

He is engaged and has a personal interest, which is contagious. He makes the Investment course fun!
(Students choice award 2004)

“Anders is the best teacher I have ever had. He should teach the older Gentlemen at the faculty how to hold a pedagogic, informative and at the same time entertaining lecture which also captures the students interest for learning. Anders is awesome! (Students choice award 2003)
Anders has a natural talent concerning pedagogical skills. During his time as a lecturer at Stockholm University he always received the highest scores from the students. I sent several of my colleagues to his lectures for their inspiration and development. (Olle Högberg, Associate Professor, Stockholm Business School at Stockholm University)
From time to time I have the privilege of attending truly thought inspiring lectures/workshops. Fridays session was such an occurrence. A speaker with deep insight, inspirational charisma and an ability to stand out does not come a plenty. You delivered above expectations Anders. I feel fuelled, blessed and schooled. (Fredrik Stensrud, Nordea)

Anders, thank you for beating my expectations, in a very good and positive way.
(Fredrik Norlander, Nordea)
We possess extensive knowledge and experience regarding how investors and your clients are evolving in the new dematerialized banking environment.
Contact Stenkrona Investments to see how we can assist with your transition.